Europe and Latin America Sustainable Innovation and Knowledge Academic Network
Erasmus Mundus Programme

General information
EuroInkaNet is an International Cooperation Project granted within Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme that comprises a group of 20 excellent Higher Education Institutions in both Europe and Latin American.
The 7 EU and 13 Latin American have established a consortium partnership aiming towards the development of a mobility programme between regions in several training, research and administration levels within a broad range of academic areas.
The project foresees a total of 182 academic exchanges including undergraduate, masters, doctorate, post-doctorate and staff participants for the grants supported by the European Commission.
Scholarships shall cover expenses for travel, international insurance, tuition fee waivers and a monthly allowance according to the training level.
As main objectives for EuroInkaNet project, there are:
- To enhance capacity for international cooperation in Higher Education
- To facilitate knowledge transfer and best practices
- To promote an international training cooperation for future researchers in both regions and ultimately a social-economical added value impact in Latin America
- To foster intercultural understanding and cooperation between Latin America and European
- To enhance recognition of credits and studies among partner institutions
EACEA - Privacy Statement
If candidates/applicants are selected (proposed for a scholarship/fellowship, put on the reserve list or enrolled on a self-paying basis) their data may be used for the purposes of evaluating the programmes, efficiently manage the projects, and producing statistics. Data could be made available to the EACEA, the European Commission, the European External Action Service staff, as well as to other stakeholders of the Erasmus+ programme, such as Erasmus+ National Agencies, National Erasmus+ Offices and the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association.